Thank goodness it's Friday. I won't lie - this week has been really challenging, and I'm looking forward to a weekend (even if it is also super busy and the opposite of relaxing!). Yesterday was mostly a wash after getting my cortisone shot. I did make it out to Curriculum Night at my daughter's school and to dinner, but then was violently ill after and am still shaky today. More rest. Bright side, my hip is starting to hurt less, so perhaps this will all be worth it. Today I'm joining up with the DC Trifecta's Friday Five Link-up for a topic that was too fun to not participate in - what's in your gym bag????
Short answer is: what's NOT in my gym bag? Most of the time I think I could survive for weeks on the contents of this bag, although I invariably forget to pack one thing. Usually it is related to work (I usually work out before, during, or after the work day, so... there ya go. That's what Target is for). SO beside the obvious (clothes, water, towels, etc.) I thought I'd pull some of the more esoteric stuff to show off:
1. My Garmin 310xt GPS watch and HRM
I get very, VERY upset when this isn't in my bag and I can't properly track my workouts. Like the tree falling in the forest, if the workout wasn't recorded, did it really happen?? I recently left my charger at work over the long holiday weekend and was without this setup for two whole days. Longest two days of training ever.....
2. Almonds
3. All the jewelry I've worn for the last week or more
I am disorganized in the respect. I need a little jewelry pouch or something, because everything gets taken off, tossed, in and then four days later when I want to find those earrings again I can't. And yes, that is a necklace of rubber bands my daughter made me. Yes I wore it out in public - it looked darn good!
4. Swim kit
Swimming is the hardest sport for me to squeeze into my routine, because it involves going to the pool (or a lake, which requires I coordinate with friends). The gym/pool I train at is 30 minutes from my house, and 20 minutes from work. So I keep my swim stuff with me at all times just in case a spare hour pops up (and it occasionally does!) to squeeze in a swim set on the way to or from work. For me, this include a suit (not pictured), cap, lap counter, goggles, and tempo trainer (also not pictured). The tempo trainer is a little gismo that you stick in your cap and beeps like a metronome. It helps me stay focused and steady on long swims. I don't swim with fins, pull buoys, or other stuff, as Total Immersion is much more focused on maintaining balance and form (and therefore efficiency) in the water as the means to become faster. So my swim gear is quite simple.
5. Emergency kit
This plastic bag was lovingly packed by my husband, who put together everything he thought I might need in case of gym-related or workout related crises. I've got Imodium, leg cramp pills, first aid supplies, wipes to wash sweaty self off with, bee sting wipes, and usually some extra GU, ibuprofen and the occasional package of peanut M&Ms (which I tend to eat frequently, so again - not pictured). It has come in handy more than once, as my antis to take me far and wide and into various odd situations, both medical and non-medical!
So that's my five! What do you have in your gym bag? Any ideas on what I'm missing??